2024 Election

2024 Election is coming up! Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Get informed, be part of a solution
Guide to the Municipal Election

This page is your one-stop resource for all the essential information you need to be an informed and
active participant in your local democracy.


Consider Running for Municipal Council

This page will be updated as additional information becomes available.


1. What is a Municipal Election?

  • Municipal elections are a vital part of our democratic system. They give residents the
    opportunity to choose local leaders who will make decisions about issues that directly
    affect their communities. These leaders, such as mayors and councillors, are responsible
    for making important choices about public services, infrastructure, and local policies.

2. Key Dates and Deadlines

  • To ensure your voice is heard, it’s crucial to be aware of the key dates and deadlines for
    the upcoming municipal election. Make note of the voter registration deadline,
    nomination dates, and most importantly, the Election Day itself.
  • Election Day, Wednesday, November 13, 2024

3. Eligibility and Voter Registration

Who can vote? To vote in a city, town or village election in Saskatchewan, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen;
  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • have lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately before election day and;
  • lived in the municipality for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day; or
  • be the owner of assessable land situated in the municipality for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day.

4. Candidate Criteria

A person is eligible to be nominated as a candidate in a municipal election and to hold office as a member of council if the person:

  • is at least 18 years of age on the day of the election;
  • is not disqualified pursuant to this or any other Act;
  • is a Canadian citizen at the time that he or she submits the nomination paper;
  • has resided in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper and:
  • in the case of a municipality other than a rural municipality or a resort village, has resided in that municipality, or on land now in that municipality, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper.

5. Election Results

  • As required under Section 140 of The Local Government Election Act, 2015, the
    administrator or his/her designate is required to submit municipal election results to
    the minister as soon as possible after a municipal general election. Real-time updates
    on election night and official results once they are available.

6. Resources

7. Frequent asked questions

  • What is the time commitment?
                    • Council Meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, except for July,
                      August, and December, where only one meeting takes place.
                    • The Town and RM collaborate to fund various departments, and Councillors
                       are assigned to committees overseeing:
                                                            • Fire Committee
                                                            • Landfill Committee
                                                            • Library
                                                            • Recreation
                                                            • Economic Development
                                                            • Cemetery
                                                            • Health
                                                            • Joint Governance
                                                            • Emergency Measures
                   • Preparation for Council Meetings involves reviewing the agenda sent in
                     advance. It is your responsibility to read and come prepared. If additional
                     information is needed, please inquire to ensure it’s available for decision-making.
  •  How long is the term?
         The term is 4 years.
  • Is there compensation for my time?
          Yes, compensation is provided.

What is a Municipal Councillor?

The council’s main role is to represent the public, provide leadership, make policy and steward.  The council’s responsibility is to collectively make decisions about municipal services, establish policies and plan that provide direction for the operation of the Town in a manner which encourages participation in the governance process.  The key responsibilities of a council member are to support the Town and its operations while ensuring that our residents and the Towns well-being and interests are maintained.

1. Policy Making: Councillors participate in making decisions and setting policies related to local
government functions, such as budgeting, land use planning, and infrastructure development.

2. Advocacy: They advocate for the needs and concerns of their constituents, addressing issues
like local services, community development, and public safety.

3. Budget Oversight: Councillors help develop and approve the municipal budget, ensuring that
financial resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.

4. Bylaws and Regulations: They contribute to the creation and modification of municipal bylaws
and regulations that govern various aspects of community life.

5. Public Engagement: Councillors engage with the community by attending meetings, hosting
public consultations, and being accessible to constituents.

6. Oversight of Municipal Administration: They provide oversight and guidance to the municipal
administration, including the hiring of the Chief Administrative Officer. Not to confuse oversight
with operation, these are two completely different things.


1. Represent Constituents: Always act in the best interests of your constituents and work to
address their needs and concerns.

2. Engage with the Community: Be accessible to the public, attend community events, and actively
engage with residents to understand their viewpoints.

3. Be Informed: Stay well-informed about local issues, municipal bylaws, and regulations. Regularly
attend council meetings and training sessions.

4. Collaborate: Work collaboratively with other councillors, the mayor, and municipal staff to
make informed and effective decisions.

5. Maintain Transparency: Be transparent in your actions and decisions, and ensure that your
constituents are aware of the rationale behind your choices.

6. Adhere to the Law: Abide by all relevant laws, municipal bylaws, and codes of conduct for

7. Manage Conflicts of Interest: Disclose and manage any potential conflicts of interest to
maintain trust and integrity.


1. Abuse of Power: Do not misuse your position for personal gain, favors, or to settle personal

2. Neglect Constituent Interests: Avoid neglecting the interests of your constituents in favor of
personal or partisan interests.

3. Discrimination: Do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, or any other
protected category in your actions or decisions.

4. Lack of Transparency: Avoid making decisions without providing a clear rationale or without
public consultation when necessary.

5. Failure to Attend Meetings: Regularly attend council meetings, as excessive absences can
undermine your ability to represent constituents effectively.

6. Violating Ethics: Uphold ethical standards and avoid unethical behavior, such as spreading false
information or engaging in personal attacks.

7. Ignoring Accountability: Do not ignore accountability for your decisions and actions. Accept
responsibility for your choices and their consequences.

Facts and Fiction


1. The Mayor serves as a symbolic figurehead and does not hold greater authority than the Council
as a whole when it comes to decision-making.

2. The Council has one employee, the Administrator/CAO.

The Role of Head of Council:

The mayor has a prominent and very public profile.  Many residents will have high and often varied expectations for the mayor and the council must find a way to balance these expectations and special responsibilities.  Decisions, however, are made by council as a whole.  The mayor does not have any more power than any other member of council to make decisions on behalf of the Town.  Each council member has one vote.


The Role of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO/Administrator):

The CAO/Administrator’s main role is to advise the council and make recommendations on all facets of the Town’s operations.  The CAO/Administrator coordinates, leads, and directs department heads and employees in the administration of the Town in accordance with the policies and plans approved by the council.  The CAO/Administrator is responsible for the hiring, suspension, and dismissal of all employees of the municipality with support provided by council.


Council-Staff Relationship Roles:

The Town of Eston recognizes the importance of good council-staff relations.  The relationship between council and staff is a vital component of an effective municipal government.  Staff and council rely on one another to move the Town forward.  Both staff and council provide leadership; council provides political leadership, while staff provide leadership in implementing council decisions.  Operational policies and procedures recognize the experience and expertise of staff and encourage communication between staff and council.