Community Groups

Eston has many unique community groups and extracurricular activities ranging from outdoor adventure to entertainment to music and learning. Check out these community groups!

Group Name Contact Phone
Communities In Bloom Valerie Mohan 306-962-7161
Eston 4-H Tarya Hough 306-375-7341
Eston Caring Hands Rickie Nash 306-280-8640
Eston Curling Club Sandy Sutherland 306-962-7572
Eston Players In Concert (EPIC) Verna Thompson 306-962-4578
Eston Music Festival Brenda Ormsby 306-962-4585
Eston Skating Club Eston Recreation 306-962-4460
KidSport Eston Recreation 306-962-4460
Lions Club Malcolm Price 306-962-7650
Lions 95 Club Shawna Cumiskey 306-962-7102
Prairie West Historical Society Shari Collinge 306-430-8730
Royal Canadian Legion Jason Beckstrand 306-430-1119
School Community Council Kelsey Unrau 306-962-4423

Wheatland Plus 50 Club

Carol Price


Wheatland Plus 50 Club – Rental Committee

Carol Price


West Central Branch, Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Verna Thompson 306-962-4578

Grant Opportunity

The Sask Lotteries Community Grant Program assists non-profit, volunteer-led community organizations developing impactful and innovative sport, culture and recreation programs that meet the needs of the local community!


Funding Request Form